May 2018
Get Your New Admits to Choose UNLV
Graduate student recruitment does not end when a student submits an application. Successful recruitment culminates in the admitted student enrolling in classes.

While significant time and resources are often expended for pre-application recruitment activities, post-admission decision activities are equally, if not more, important. These activities often factor into whether your most qualified candidates choose to accept your offer of admission and enroll.

According to the Council of Graduate Schools (CGS), “It is critical that departments and graduate schools follow up on admission offers to increase the likelihood that admitted students will actually enroll (Council of Graduate Schools, 2012).”

CGS also notes that faculty advisors and/or current students contacting newly admitted students can “be successful in both encouraging matriculation and smoothing a student’s transition to graduate study (Council of Graduate Schools, 2012).” This assertion is also supported by a 2012 report on marketing and recruiting for master’s-level programs by Noel-Levitz which outlines the top 10 most effective practices at public institutions.
The UNLV Graduate College Recruitment & Admissions Team is here to support academic departments in their admit-to-enrolled student yield. We provide the following services:
  • Email and calling campaigns to newly admitted students to encourage them to accept admission and enroll in courses;
  • One-on-one tours where we make every possible attempt to connect the student with a representative from their prospective department;
  • Coordinated posting of admissions and graduate assistantship funding letters to new admits;
  • Consultations with graduate departments on recruitment strategies;
  • Automated communications in our CRM system from academic departments to newly admitted students;
  • Report-building in our CRM system to aid departments in these efforts.

If you have questions or would like more information, please feel free to contact Kara Wada, Executive Director of Admissions & Enrollment Management at